Allied Partners

Allied Consultant
Trade Association
The American Association of Meat Processors (AAMP), is North America’s largest meat trade organization. Membership includes more than 1,600 medium-sized and smaller meat, poultry, and food businesses: slaughterers, packers, processors, wholesalers, in-home food service business, retailers, deli and catering operators, and industry suppliers. Visit them at www.aamp.com
Allied Business
Sanitation Products
The Biomist system sanitizes more completely and with far less effort and complexity than any previous sanitation method. It's the first safe method for power spraying equipment and facilities with an alcohol based solution. The penetrating mist reaches into small cracks and crevices that are impossible to reach with other sanitizing methods and kills pathogens where they hide.
Allied Business
Labeling Services & Products
TemPac offers products and services to a vast range of businesses that are in need of product labels, promotional labeling, and custom packaging, along with, the equipment to thermally print and apply the labels.
Allied Business
Grant Writing Services
Are you looking for funding opportunities and need a grant writer? Look no further! Our team of experienced grant-writing consultants can help you secure the funding you need to achieve your goals.
Allied Business
Sanitation & Cleaning
“We are a team of sanitation, operation, and quality assurance professionals who are passionate about driving changes to the sanitation industry. We serve our customers by implementing complete sanitation programs that delivers results. We also offer a complete sanitation blueprint to effective train and deliver a custom system for your in house sanitation team. We also offer training and certificates for your employees and leadership team.”
Allied Business
Financial Services
Kirsten Baum, MBA
Direct: 949.482.2188
Regents turns real-world financing realities into success stories and results. With our proven equipment financing solutions, Regents Capital is your trusted commercial finance company. Visit them at: https://regentscapital.com/